Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hoe, sit DOWN!

Tyra... STOP IT, NOW.

Seriously, do we need yet ANOTHER reason why Republicans can find a reason to find Obama "un-fit" for presidency. I mean I love Tyra and all, but she has taken it too far. You don't see Heidi Klum taking photos as Hillary Clinton or McCain's main squeeze? Tyra, you're fabulous and all, love Top Model, but seriously, you're not helping. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I've seen her talk show a couple times and watched her sit there and carry on a conversation about a subject she in no way relates too. I know you want to help people honey, but telling the obese, kleptos and fugos that you can relate is just wrong... as is this photo. The last thing Michelle needs is the supermodel stereotype hovering in its oh so radiant and perfect light, around her.

thanks for trying.